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About us

Why the Lotus Flower ?

  • These women chose the lotus, because its plant grows out of ordinary mire, from which a beautiful and enigmatic flower will bloom. The three ladies identify with the lotus as, just like this plant, they have worked hard in their lives to get where they are today.
  • And, as they continue to dream and see big, they are represented by three stars.
  • Still, they are equally rooted in the concrete and are well-rooted, which is why they added 7 dots representing the chakras that connect the sky to the earth.


wHO IS Shakti ?

Shakti is the name of the Hindu goddess who represents strength and creative power of woman.

« One can only see well with the heart...
the essential is invisible to the eyes »

– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



Beauty is not what we see with the eyes, but rather that which emanates from within. It is the magnetism of a person who opens his heart and trusts in Life. It is the light in the eyes of a generous and respectful person. It is simply the pure beauty of a real and genuine person ...


Our Team

Nathalie Lavoie, co-founder of Shakti, with 30 years of experience in the beauty industry. She is an esthetician and owner of La Soie Blanche a superb, one-of-a-kind, multi-service beauty centre in the Mauricie region, located in Trois-Rivieres.

Emmanuelle Grégoire Emmanuelle had a real crush on Shakti. She joined the team because she was a perfectionist, looking for performance in healthy products. She has been a certified esthetician since 2001 and has always been passionate about global health. She has been an employee, employer, self-employed and aesthetic teacher. She therefore understands the reality of beauticians as well as the needs of their clientele.



Sonia Ouellet Shakti Cosmetics

Sonia Ouellet, co-owner of SHAKTI, she specializes in bio-aesthetics and cosmetic aromatology. Beautician for over 15 years, she is the owner of the Bio-Esthétique & Bio-Boutique Grain de Beauté center in St-Sylvère.  

Clodine Desrochers,TV hostess for more than 20 years, Clodine is also an author, a public speaker and is passionate about beauty.

Ambassador for Shakti Cosmetics, she has been present since its creation and continues to promote the brand every time she has the opportunity. Thank you Clodine!


© Shakti Cosmetics